One evening at Stanford, we entered the dinning room to find brightly coloured napkins decorated with cartoon captions on our tables. There was no allocated seating but as I took my place I noticed mine depicted a sophisticated woman sipping a martini. The caption read "Oh, Boo - frickin' Hoo! Have a cocktail and get over it." I was called over to join another table and when I sat down the same napkin confronted me. "Boo - frickin' - Hoo! Have cocktail and get over it." Was someone trying to tell me something?
During the course, United Airlines received quite a knocking from our Professor Jim Phills and others who travel a great deal - the usual thing; long lines, late flights, heinous customer service - you know the kind of thing.
This is what happened next...
It was a wet, rainy departure from SFO and I was flying United. Having been warned about the over-bureaucratic security measures at airports since 9/11, I left early to ensure plenty of time. I joined a group of classmates who were taking a van. I made sure I asked beforehand what the financial arrangements were; how much, were we tipping etc., I had it all clear in my head. As we approached the airport, the driver asked which airlines we were with and it became I was clear I was going to be the last drop-off. Oh no, I thought. When we got to the first stop everyone was getting off but me. The driver said it was $90.00 all up and that he didn't do credit. "Hold up", I said, "That's not what they told me at reception. It was $70 all up and no gratuity. Credit cards accepted." He said, $90 all up and if he took credit, he would have to check with the office for each transaction." The others caved, gave him cash and rushed off to their destinations.
Now, it's not about the money. It's the principle! Anyway, I decided nothing was going to spoil my trip so I happily chatted with him the rest of the way. When we got to my stop, he said he was more than happy to take my credit. "Don't you have to check in with head office?" I asked. "No, he said, "I'm a good judge of character." Yeah right, I thought.
I process my boarding pass at a Check and Go counter outside the building to avoid lines and I was gratefully helped by a cheerful airport attendant. Next step, Security. I only have cabin luggage, which has surprised numerous people. I have Daphne James to thank for that (I only took one extra item - Daphne - a raincoat. Wise move given the weather forecast for Seattle). On arrival, the lines were moving evenly and all was going well until I was asked to remove my shoes and scarf. Not wanting to be a "Herbie"(someone who creates a bottleneck and holds up the flow of progress) I threw my passport and boarding pass into a tray along with my scarf and bent down to take off my shoes (and a voice in my head said, this is not a good idea). "Bag Check", someone yelled. I had forgotten to take my bottled water out but I was happy to have it confiscated. I had plenty of time. Nothing was going to spoil my day. I went to the bathroom, took in a bookshop and made my way to the boarding lounge, Gate 93.
Once I sat down and began to arrange my personal belongings it dawned on me, I was no longer in possession of either my boarding pass or passport. What would a leader do? I think to myself. "Not panic", the voice in my head said. So, with veiled panic, I explain the situation to the woman at the United Airlines counter who directs me back to Security. I have plenty of time, she says, so I end up back at there with my tale of woe well rehearsed. They check the trays, and ask if I double-backed to the bookshop and bathroom. Two uniformed men check the bag I am carrying; I have already gone it through twice, already! But they adeptly calm me down. They are not the enemy; I am not upset. I am grateful they are taking it seriously. Someone must have seen it. But I'm worried a passenger has picked it up by accident. They check video footage and confirm I did put it in the tray. Relief spreads. Everyone in the area starts a search but now I don't have much time. The lines are getting longer. I'm a Herbie! Security gives me contact numbers for "Lost and Found", the SFO Airport Administration etc and I hurry to catch my plane.
The staff member at the United desk is very sympathetic and concerned for me. "I'm really sorry to hear that, M'am", she says. Once on the plane, it appears there is no more room for overhead baggage but finally a spot is found, I'm right down the back of the plane (my father who survived three aircraft crashes during the WW11 suggested this. "The tail goes down last!" he told me). When I get to my seat it's a window rather than an aisle, my preference. I clamber over people and take my seat. By this time I am close to tears. I was looking forward to arriving in Seattle, unwinding and soaking up as much culture as I can. Now, I'll be running around like a chook with its head cut off to get documents so I can return home. "Boo Hoo Hoo! Get over it." I turn to look out the window. Raindrops stream down the window pane. "Ms Beaton?" I look up. It's the woman from United Airlines. "We have your passport."
As we break through the cloud covering the sunshine is brilliant.
Note to Self: Listen to the voice that says "this is not a good idea!"
Note to Jim Phills: United Airlines is on the move.
Note to SFO security, especially, Lester Low and his team: You guys rock!
Note to CEO of United Airlines: Your staff are great. Good luck with the merger with Continental.
I made a change to this text once my box of goodies arrived back from Stanford. I had actually packed the napkin and the caption was slightly different from my original version. I love it! It sits on my desk to remind me.